JavaScript Coder

javascript form value

How to set the value of a form element using Javascript

As we have seen in earlier articles, in order to work with forms in JavaScript, it is imperative to obtain references to the form object and its elements. In this article, we will be using the forms collection of the document object and the elements collection of the form object to set the values of the form elements. The syntax for accessing the form object is as below: oFormObject = document.

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How to set the value of a form field using Javascript PII

This is in continuation of the article: set the value of a form element using Javascript. In this section, we will see how to set the value of other input fields like hidden field, drop down list etc Setting the value of a hidden field using Javascript As in the case of ’textarea’ and ’text’ input elements, in order to set the value of a hidden input element in a form, we can use the following syntax:

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How to set the value of a form field using Javascript PIII

This is in continuation of the previous article: How to set the value of a form field using JavaScript Selecting options of a select element through javascript In Javascript, since each <option> tag inside a <select> tag, is placed in the options array of the select object, we can access each select option using a construct such as: selectObject.options[index] where, “index” refers to the position of the option in the array.

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How to use getElementById to get the elements in a form

There are many ways of accessing form elements, of which the easiest is by using the cross-browser W3C DOM document.getElementById() method. Before we learn more about this method, it would be useful to know something about the Document Object Model (DOM), the concept of HTML nodes or elements, and the concept of containers. Each time you load an HTML page, the web browser generates an internal representation of the page in the form of an inverted tree structure.

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