JavaScript Coder

HTML Forms

A Form Design Software that is Quick, Easy and Simple.

HTML form design can often turn to be a tedious task. First, you need to design the HTML page that contains the form using an HTML editor. Next, you have to create a set of input validations using JavaScript. The final step is to create a form processor script that collects the data submitted in the form, validates it again and then sends it as email/stores in database or a file.

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How to make a web form and get it online quickly

Coding a web form is a long, tedious process. However, there is an easier way. Using Simfatic Forms you can quickly create feature-rich web forms without coding. You just have to design the form using the visual editor; Simfatic Forms generates all the required code. You don’t have to worry about coding HTML, CSS JavaScript or PHP. Even if you know coding, and do forms regularly, Simfatic Forms saves you all the time spent on coding and lets you focus on the form design.

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JavaScript Form Validation : quick and easy!

Using client side JavaScript is an efficient way to validate the user input in web forms. When there are many fields in the form, the JavaScript validation becomes too complex. The JavaScript class presented here makes the form validations many times easier. Contents Download the JavaScript form validation script Using the form validation script Adding a custom validation Table of Validation Descriptors Showing the form validation errors next to the element

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JavaScript Form Validation Script: More features

This is in continuation of the JavaScript Form Validation script in this page. In this page, we will see some of the advanced features of the script. Showing all the form validation errors together in a message box If you want to show all the error messages together, then just call the EnableMsgsTogether() function as shown below. frmvalidator.EnableMsgsTogether(); See the form validation demo Showing the form validation errors on the page itself You can display the validation errors on the page itself.

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Simfatic Forms Validation: save your time coding

This is in continuation of the JavaScript form validation script explained here. Simfatic Forms is a complete web form development software. You can create forms add form validations, select your options for server side processing, generate the script and install the form on the web server. No coding required. This page takes you through some of the form validation features of Simfatic Forms. Add validations to your existing forms You can choose to create a new fresh form or read the form from an existing web page.

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From an HTML Form to an Email Inbox

Getting the HTML form data in the email inbox will be a very convenient way to collect user responses very quickly. Except, when you have hundreds of responses per day! Here are the methods you have to get the HTML form data in your email inbox. One quick and simple method is to use the in the action field of the form. This method is very simple; but has many drawbacks.

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How to switch the 'action' field in an HTML form dynamically

It is often required that you need to send the data in the same form to different server-side scripts depending one certain criteria. JavaScript allows you to modify the action field of an HTML form dynamically. This article shows you how to do it. Multiple submit buttons It is possible to have more than one submit button in a form. See the article on HTML form submit button for details. The example below shows how to switch the action field based on the submit button pressed.

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How to make a web form

This tutorial explains the basics of a web form, how it works and how you can make a web form from scratch. How does a web form work? A visitor visits a web page that contains a form. The web browser displays the HTML form. The visitor fills in the form and submits The browser sends the submitted form data to the web server A form processor script running on the web server processes the form data.

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The HTML Form Submit Button

The basics of an HTML form submit button is discussed first in this article, moving towards more advanced topics like multiple submit buttons. The code below creates a form submit button: <input type="submit" name="mysubmit" value="Click!" /> name: specifies the identification assigned to this submit button. value: is the label that appears on the button. Identifying the submit button on the server side The name and value of the button that is pressed to submit the form is passed to the server side script.

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The HTML Form Tag

The HTML form tag <form> and </form> is to create a form in your web page. All the input elements should go between the <form> and </form> tags. You can have more than one HTML forms in a single page. However, do not nest HTML forms ( Don’t put one form in another form)! The general syntax of the form tag is given below: <form action="server-script-url-here" method="GET or POST" > .

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HTML Form Tutorial Part II : More Input Elements

In the first part of the HTML form tutorial we saw how to create a basic form using simple text boxes. In this part, we will see some more input elements. Check box If you want to add a toggle input item that the user can select or deselect, use a check box input item. <input type="checkbox" name="Agree" value="yes" /> name=“Agree” The name used to identify this input on the server side script.

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HTML Form Tutorial Part III : Still More Input Elements

Password input Login screens usually have a password field where the user enters his password. You can create a password field by using the input type ‘password’. A password field can be created using the following code: <input type="password" name="pwd" /> Other attributes: maxlength=“maxChar” the maximum length (in characters) the password can have value=“textValue” The default value that should appear in the password field. “Hidden” input The ‘hidden’ input is not shown to the user.

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HTML Form Tutorial Part IV: Server Side Form Processing

The previous three parts of this series (part 1, part 2 and part 3) explained how to create the HTML part of a web form (the client side). In order to make the form useful, we need to add server side processing support to the form. Remember the diagram in part I of this tutorial? How to create the server side form processing script? There are scripting languages like PHP , ASP and Perl that can be used to write the server side form processing script.

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HTML Form Tutorial

While other elements of HTML gives style and meaning to your website, an HTML form adds interactivity. HTML forms handle important functions like taking orders, surveys, user registration and more. You will hardly find a single web site without forms. How does an HTML form work? A web form has two parts: the HTML ‘front end’ and a back end form processor. The HTML front end part handles the presentation while the back end handles the form submissions (like saving the form submissions, sending emails etc).

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