JavaScript Coder

javascript form

How to keep checkbox values after form is submitted in Javascript

When working with forms in web applications, it’s common to encounter a situation where you want to retain the user’s selected checkbox values even after the form has been submitted. This tutorial will guide you on how to keep the checkbox value after a form submit in JavaScript. We’ll be using localStorage to store the selected checkbox values and retrieve them when the page is reloaded. First, let’s create a simple HTML form with a few checkboxes:

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How to Store Multiple Form Data in LocalStorage Using JavaScript

LocalStorage allows you to store data on the client-side, which persists even after the browser is closed. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of storing multiple form data in LocalStorage using JavaScript. First, create an HTML file with a form containing some input fields. For this example, let’s create a simple registration form. <form id="registrationForm"> <label for="fullName">Full Name:</label> <input type="text" id="fullName" name="fullName" required> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="email" required> <label for="password">Password:</label> <input type="password" id="password" name="password" required> <button type="submit">Register</button> </form> JavaScript code for storing form data document.

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