JavaScript Coder

html forms

HTML Form Tutorial Part II : More Input Elements

In the first part of the HTML form tutorial we saw how to create a basic form using simple text boxes. In this part, we will see some more input elements. Check box If you want to add a toggle input item that the user can select or deselect, use a check box input item. <input type="checkbox" name="Agree" value="yes" /> name=“Agree” The name used to identify this input on the server side script.

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HTML Form Tutorial Part III : Still More Input Elements

Password input Login screens usually have a password field where the user enters his password. You can create a password field by using the input type ‘password’. A password field can be created using the following code: <input type="password" name="pwd" /> Other attributes: maxlength=“maxChar” the maximum length (in characters) the password can have value=“textValue” The default value that should appear in the password field. “Hidden” input The ‘hidden’ input is not shown to the user.

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HTML Form Tutorial Part IV: Server Side Form Processing

The previous three parts of this series (part 1, part 2 and part 3) explained how to create the HTML part of a web form (the client side). In order to make the form useful, we need to add server side processing support to the form. Remember the diagram in part I of this tutorial? How to create the server side form processing script? There are scripting languages like PHP , ASP and Perl that can be used to write the server side form processing script.

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HTML Form Tutorial

While other elements of HTML gives style and meaning to your website, an HTML form adds interactivity. HTML forms handle important functions like taking orders, surveys, user registration and more. You will hardly find a single web site without forms. How does an HTML form work? A web form has two parts: the HTML ‘front end’ and a back end form processor. The HTML front end part handles the presentation while the back end handles the form submissions (like saving the form submissions, sending emails etc).

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